The Murder of Melissa James


Photo Credit: Ahmad Odah @ Unsplash

In this episode…Tara discusses the bizarre cover-up & murder of Melissa James. Her story will forever be intertwined with that of power couple, Craig Titus and Kelly Ryan, who were well known in the fitness world at one time. They also seemed to enjoy the dangerous side of Sin City, taking up a dangerous lifestyle of sex, drugs and partying.

In October of 2005, when a 911 call comes in reporting a car fire in the desert, it doesn’t sound all that unusual to the fire chief heading out to the scene. Car fires happen often enough out west, but when a body is found in the trunk of a high end Jaguar, that’s when things really start to heat up…

Tara’s Sources:

Murderpedia Wicked Attraction - “Built For Murder”

The Murder of Connie Navarro


Photo Credit: Clem Onojeghuo @ Unsplash

In this episode…Jen discusses the murder of Connie Navarro and sadly, once again we find ourselves talking about a domestic violence homicide. Connie was a gorgeous, blonde haired beauty who modeled occasionally and worked on a few of the game shows we remember watching as kids who grew up in the 80’s.

Dave Navarro, who is well known as the guitarist for Jane’s Addiction, among many other creative undertakings, is Connie’s son. Dave was only 15 when his mother was murdered and in a documentary he created in 2015, he talks about how losing her shaped every decision he ever made growing up…both good and bad. When we say bad…we’re talking about a pretty dark spiral into a world of drugs & depression. He’s very clear, however, that he does NOT blame his addiction on her murder, but rather, it gave him an excuse to continue down that dangerous road.

It was Dave’s hope that by telling his story from the point of view of a child who was left behind as a victim of domestic violence, he could bring about a different kind of awareness in this unique way. Statistics show that approximately 3 women A DAY are killed in domestic violence homicides, BUT we rarely hear from the point of view of the children who’s lives continue to be deeply impacted by their great loss.

We’re big fans of Dave and his advocacy work on domestic violence only makes us love him more. He shared the story of his Mother’s murder and it’s personal impact on his life as a cautionary tale to help people recognize the signs of domestic violence before things escalate.

Here at The Wicked Ones Podcast, we’re hoping to do the same.


Join the Movement & Take a Stand Against DV: #putanailinit

From their Website: One Small Statement Makes a Big Difference

The idea is simple: by painting your ring fingernail purple, you are showing the world your vow to help spread awareness of domestic violence and displaying your support for Safe Horizon, the country’s largest organization helping victims of domestic violence get the crucial help they need in their darkest moments.

Jen’s Sources: Article by Lindsay William-Ross


Mourning Son - Autobiographical Documentary (Amazon’s Link Here)

Hollywood Curses, Demonic Dolls & "Little Bastard"


Photo Credit: Pablo Stanic @ Unsplash

In this episode… we get a little SPOOKY this week and bring to light a few haunting stories that make us wonder about the existence of evil in this world…and just what forms it might take.

Tara decided to put a spin on her quest for Hollywood true crime and instead, dives into some of the most mysterious and terrifying tales she stumbled upon while researching Hollywood’s haunted past.

Tara talks creepy coincidences and the untimely deaths of the cast & crew behind the making of the possibly “cursed” movie, The Omen. There are way too many strange occurrences surrounding this film to pass off as coincidence and we think you might agree!

She also braves the world of inanimate objects, AKA “trinkets”, that may or may not be possessed and opens up about her fear of dolls.

James Dean’s car, “The Little Bastard” was another story that Tara had always been fascinated to learn more about as well. The details of this car & the bizarre deaths, injuries and destruction that seemed to follow it around are way too hard to shake…let alone explain.

We’re not sure if you’ll sleep tonight, but for all of our listeners out there who are into these types of creepy, unsolved mysteries, we thought we’d bring you a little something different this time around. OH, and If you catch the movie recommendation in the intro, give us a shout out and let us know your thoughts. I mean, who doesn’t love Vince Vaughn and a good horror/comedy, right?

Tara’s Sources:


The Self Destruction of Chris Benoit


Photo Credit: albund @

In this episode…Jen does her best to share the story of Chris Benoit, knowing full well that the wrestling community and its fans are still divided to this day. Jen gives us all a glimpse into the circumstances surrounding the tragic events that unfolded at the Benoit residence back in 2007.

For those of you who remember watching the news coverage at the time, or who are die hard wrestling fans who have heard bits and pieces of the story being told over the past decade from various sources, listen in. You may be surprised by some of the things Jen uncovered during her research.

On a lighter note, Jen also fesses up to her love of wrestling and reminisces about date nights watching Monday Night RAW. That was an interesting twist Tara did NOT see coming, but throughout the conversation this week, she certainly developed a greater appreciation for what these athletes/entertainers have to go through to be successful in their craft.

Jen’s Sources:

Dungeon of Death - Chris Benoit and the Hart Family Curse by Scott Keith Article by: Alex McCarthy

Pro Wrestling Fandon

ABC News Article by: Ethan Nelson and Roxanna Sherwood

Dark Side of the Ring by Vice Studios - Season 2 Episode 1&2

The Chris Van Vleit Show: David Benoit: Chris Benoit's son opens up about tragedy, training to be a wrestler, Hall of Fame, AE‪W


Murderpedia Article by: Luke Norris

Let's CHAT about...The Bling Ring


Photo Credit:

In this episode… Tara takes us back to 2008-09 when reality TV was thriving, Facebook had only been around a few years, Instagram had not been created yet…but TMZ made sure to keep us all posted on the latest celeb gossip and Hollywood scandals. It was during this time, a group of reality star & designer fashion obsessed teens out in California ended up becoming the 1st & most successful ring of burglars in Hollywood history.

Success does not equal the kind of fame & fortune most people are looking for in this particular case…but it does make for an interesting discussion…& discuss we do! Trigger warning: LOTS of chit chat & side notes in this episode! Hey, don’t say we didn’t warn you. We know some of our true crime fans out there like a straightforward story with very little banter & typically we keep it to a minimum even when giving our 2 cents…just not this time. ;)

However, it’s great news for those of you who love learning more about us here at The Wicked Ones Pod & bless you for finding our sarcasm & banter endearing. If that’s the case, this one might be your favorite episode yet! We just couldn’t help ourselves. Celeb talk + a long hiatus from recording = a true coffee table convo full of sideways remarks. Hopefully you are entertained…after all, isn’t that one of the goals here?

XO - T&J

Tara’s Sources: Article by: Lindsey Weber Article by Leanne Aciz Stanton

Wikipedia EXCLUSIVE by Leanne Aciz Stanton Article by Rebecca Shortall

“Pretty Wild” Episode: The Arrest on

Marcus Schrenker & How Not To Fake Your Own Death


Photo Credit: Hunters Race @ UnSplash

In this episode…Jen takes a break from chatting murder & death on the pod and dives into a white collar crime instead this week. Listen in and hear the very bizarre story of Marcus Schrenker Marcus was once the president of a wealth management company living a lavish lifestyle with his family in Geist, Indiana. He was living the high life…but on who’s dime? Marcus eventually found himself in serious trouble with the law after making some incredibly poor choices both personally & professionally. His scheming ways were soon exposed and he was not only facing prison time, but owed millions of dollars & had betrayed the trust of everyone closest to him.

Well…what is one to do when finding oneself in such a pickle? You fake your own death of course…

Jen’s Sources:

Wikipedia Article by: Micheal Pressman & Deborah Roberts Article by: Robert King (Crash & Burn) The Marcus Schrenker Story

Wells Gray Park Murders


Photo Credit: Scott Goodwill @ UnSplash

In this episode…Tara discusses the heartbreaking, cold-blooded murder of 6 family members that had set out for a 2 week camping trip to Canada’s Wells Gray Park in 1982.

It would be the first time in Canadian history that the 2nd degree murder charge would be handed out when David William Shearing was sentenced. 

Despite incredible, over the top investigative efforts by the RCMP to find the killer and put him behind bars, the REAL motive & fate of the 2 young girls wouldn’t be known until much later.

David William Shearing, AKA David Ennis, as he has now changed his last name to take on his Mother’s maiden name, is once again up for parole this year in July of 2021. We urge you to listen in to this week’s episode and to consider signing the petition on Change.Org yourself, to help the Bentley & Johnson family and friends keep this monster behind bars.


Tara’s Sources:


North Thompson Star Journal Article

Murder on the Tracks


Photo Credit: Jake Green @ UnSplash

Tara’s Episode Notes:

In this episode…Tara dives into the dark underworld of train hopping and the death of a sweet, self-less college kid whose passion to see the world, & his trust in others would sadly, lead to his demise.

Investigators had next to nothing to go on. They had skeletal remains of a John Doe buried near a creek, close to a train yard. This case could have easily gone cold from day one. It was perseverance and the collaboration between all law-enforcement parties involved that would help determine identity, cause of death and eventually apprehend those responsible for this horrific, senseless murder.

This story not only to gives the victim and his family a voice…but it is also a cautionary tale for anyone with romantic notions about riding the rails.

Tara’s Sources:

news Article by: Scott Thomas Anderson

sac Article by Cathy Locke Article by Ian McDonald

Part 2 - Hurricane Love: Zack Bowen & Addie Hall

Zack & Addie’s apartment on North Rampart St. in New Orleans

Zack & Addie’s apartment on North Rampart St. in New Orleans

Jen’s Episode Notes:

In (part 2) of our Hurricane Love episode… Jen pieces together the 2nd half of the very tragic, yet very complex love story of Zack Bowen & Addie Hall. Many will remember their story as one that ended in a murder/suicide that not only shocked the city of New Orleans, but the entire nation at the time. As Jen concludes this dark tale, you’ll find that this one runs much deeper than the sensationalized headlines alluded to. As we mentioned in Part 1 - THE END was just the beginning…

Jen’s Additional Sources For Part 2: Article by: Susan Roesgen Article by: Ramon Antonio Vargas

NY Times Article by: Alex Berenson


Part 1 - Hurricane Love: Zack Bowen & Addie Hall


Photo Credit: Mana5280 @ Unsplash

Jen’s Episode Notes:

In this episode… Jen lays the foundation & begins to piece together one of the more tragic love stories of our time. You may think you know the story of Zack Bowen & Addie Hall, garnering your knowledge from the shocking headlines that rocked the country after Hurricane Katrina.
Often times, however, we find that there’s so much more to a person or a story than what the media portrays. The sensationalized, gruesome details that concluded Zack & Addie’s twisted & tragic love story can’t be the whole story. The truth is…THE END was just the beginning.

Jen’s Sources:

ABC Documentary - Final Witness - Episode 2: Graveyard Love 

SHAKE THE DEVIL OFF A True Story of the Murder That Rocked New Orleans By Ethan Brown Article by: Marcus Baram Article byL DeLaniR. Bartlette

Buried Alive


Photo Credit: Daniel Jensen @ Unsplash

Tara’s Episode Notes:

In this episode… Tara tells us the terrifying story of Michelina Lewandowska. A Polish woman who was buried alive by her ex-fiance, Marcin Kasprzak. The two had a 3 yr old son, Jakub together, but their relationship was rocky at best. When rumors started flying that she made plans to leave England where they were living and take their son with her back to Poland…Marcin decided that he couldn’t let that happen.

Some people separate and figure their lives out like civilized, mature adults, but apparently there are monsters in this world that believe that can just “bury” their problems…quite literally in this case.

Being buried alive, as it turns out is one of the most common phobias. If this is one of your biggest fears, don’t worry. Luckily, we have a survivor story for you this week. We’ll even let you know what to do if you find yourself in a similar, terrifying situation. Hopefully you can tuck it away with the rest of the useless, morbid facts you learn while listening to true crime…but one can never be too sure. All the useless, interesting, its and bits are our specialty as you’ll come to find out.

Either way, we love a good survivor or comeback story! If you happen to have one you’d like to share, please reach out to us on the CONTACT page on the website and send it in. We would love to hear from you.

Tara’s Sources:

The Husband Did It...Or Did He?


Photo Credit: Gerald Schömbs @ Unsplash

Jen’s Episode Notes:

In this episode… Jen tells us a story that may leave some of you wondering what really happened the day that newlywed, Tina Watson, drowned while scuba diving on her honeymoon. Was it truly an accident caused by negligence and inexperience or was it murder?

We’ll let you decide if the husband “did it” or not. However, we have a feeling that once you hear about the many shameful & wildly inappropriate actions taken by Gabe Watson throughout this story, it will leave you with a very bad taste in your mouth.

A snippet from source:

It was a mild morning in October when 26-year-old David Gabriel ‘Gabe’ Watson, and his wife of 11 days, Tina Watson, started the dive expedition that had been the part they were most looking forward to of their Australian honeymoon.

The couple, who had met as students at the University of Alabama, had planned a seven-day dive adventure on the Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea. While Gabe was a highly experienced diver, with a total of 55 dives, Tina had only started diving lessons in the lead up to her honeymoon. By the time the couple entered the water on October 22, 2003, she had only ever completed 11 dives – all in a local quarry.

The first time Gabe and Tina explored the historic SS Yongala shipwreck site, which sits 48 nautical miles southeast of Townsville, they quickly returned to the surface. Gabe said his dive computer was broken, and fixed it on board their tour vessel, Spoilsport. The couple then entered the water for a second time.

What occurred next has been the subject of a five-year investigation, a coronial inquest, and two criminal trials.

Jen’s Sources:

The Guardian




Sweet 16 & Murdered


Photo Credit: Tyler Delgado @ Unsplash

Tara’s Episode Notes:

In this episode… Tara shares with us, the heartbreaking story of 16 year old Emma Jane Walker. Emma was a bright, kind, beautiful girl with her whole life ahead of her. A life that was tragically cut short in a way that no one saw coming. Was it a deadly, misguided stunt planned by her football player ex-boyfriend to try and win her back or was it cold blooded murder?

Teen dating violence is an issue that deserves attention. 1 in every 5 high school students report being physically and/or sexually abused by a dating partner. (According to the Journal of the American Medical Assoc.). 1 in 3 girls in the U.S. is a victim of dating violence…a figure that far exceeds rates of other types of youth violence.

Tara’s Sources:

ABC News

ABC News Article by: Dani Hendrix

Human Trafficking: The Story of Jen Spry


Jen’s Episode Notes:

In this episode… Jen shares with us, the heartbreaking story of Jen Spry. Spry was only 8 years old when she became a victim of human trafficking, but wouldn’t realize it for decades. When Jen came across Spry’s first-hand account, it shook her to her very core.

Human trafficking isn’t all the same. It’s also not an issue in a far off country or another state. Human trafficking is real and it’s everywhere. It could be happening in your town, your neighborhood…or right next door. Listen in and learn. We sure did.

- “No one ever came looking, because I never went missing.” - Jen Spry


Jen’s Sources: Article by: Marion Callahan

Self Help...Or Cult? Know Before you go.


Tara’s Episode Notes:

In this episode…we take a look at self help & how important it is to educate yourself before you commit to following anyone that promises to help transform your life…in any way. The Self Help industry is an 11 Billion dollar industry…but it’s highly unregulated.

In our story…we are high-lighting a fallen self-help guru and what happens when you blindly put your faith in someone that, sadly, doesn’t have your best interest at heart. That individual is James Arthur Ray. Here’s a snippet gathered from Wikipedia, that we used as one of our sources. Listen in right here on our website, or head to your your favorite podcast platform for rest of the story.

James Arthur Ray (born November 22, 1957) is a self-help businessman, motivational speaker, and convicted felon. In 2011 James Arthur Ray was convicted of three counts of negligent homicide, after his February 3, 2010 arrest for causing the deaths of three participants in one of his New Age retreats.  He served two years in Arizona state prison and was released under supervision on July 12, 2013.

A former telemarketer, Ray taught Stephen Covey motivational seminars while employed at AT&T and claimed he later worked two years for the Covey foundation;  however the company has no record of him as an employee or contractor.  In 2006 he appeared on CNN's Larry King Live and was one of several narrators in the film The Secret. He also appeared on the Today Show and Oprah.

Source: Wikipedia


Tara’s Other Sources:

The Verge Article By: Matt Stroud

The Guardian Article By: Andrew Gumbel

GURU: Podcast by Wondry

The Dark Side of Bikram Yoga

Bikram Choudhury

Jen’s Episode Notes:

Bikram Choudhury (born 1944) is an Indian-born American yoga teacher and founder of Bikram Yoga, a form of hot yoga consisting of a fixed series of 26 postures practiced in a hot environment of (105 °F). The business became a success in the United States and then across the Western world, with a variety of celebrities in attendance.

Choudhury was the subject of several civil suits alleging sexual assault and discrimination against racial and sexual minorities. In 2017, a court awarded $7 million to his former lawyer, Minakshi Jafa-Boden, who gained control of his yoga business when Choudhury fled to India without paying her. Since then he has continued to train yoga teachers outside the United States in countries including Spain and Mexico.

Source: Wikipedia


On a lighter note: A very young #jasonbateman and #justinebateman attended Bikram Yoga classes with their father. Find out how Jason Bateman REALLY feels about Bikram Yoga in his interview with Letterman. You won’t regret it, we promise #hotashell - LOL : CLICK HERE

Jen’s Other Sources: Article by: By Chris Tognotti Article by: Kate Hakala

Independent Article by: Sabrina Barr

The New Yorker Article by: Sarah Larson

Film Daily Article by Bianca Myrtll Article by: Elena Nicolaou

ABC 7 Investigations Article by: Miriam Hernandez

LA Times Article By: Amy Kaufman Article by: Sarah Alender

Daily Mail Article By: Louise Boyle

Vogue Article By: Rituparna Som

Refinery 29 Article By: Jennifer Fenton

30 For 30 Podcast

Netflix Documentary: Bikram, Yogi, Guru, Predator

West Webster Tragedy


Photo by: Obi Onyeador on Unsplash

Tara’s Episode Notes:

2012 Webster, New York, shooting

In the early morning of December 24, 2012, firefighters responding to a fire in West Webster, New York, a suburb of Rochester, were fired upon by 62-year-old William H. Spengler, who was believed to have deliberately set the fire.

According to police, Spengler set his house on 191 Lake Road and the family car on fire in the early morning hours of Christmas Eve, and then armed himself with three guns: a Smith & Wesson .38-caliber revolver, a Mossberg 12-gauge shotgun, and a .223-caliber Bushmaster AR-15 style rifle.  When firefighters arrived shortly after 5:30 a.m., Spengler ambushed them from an earthen berm across the street from his house. Two firefighters were killed, and two others were injured.

Spengler exchanged shots with police, who arrived with an armored truck to remove the firefighters and 33 nearby civilians. Spengler ran after getting shot at and died when he shot himself in the head. His body was discovered nearly six hours later.  

Due to the shooting, fire crews were unable to resume fighting the blaze until 11:30 a.m. By then, six other houses had burned to the ground, and two others had been rendered uninhabitable.

The body of Spengler's 67-year-old sister Cheryl, with whom he was living, was found severely burned inside the house.  A two-to-three-page typewritten letter written by Spengler was found at the scene.  In it, he wrote, "I still have to get ready to see how much of the neighborhood I can burn down, and do what I like doing best, killing people."

Source: Wikipedia

Tara’s Other Sources:

Democratic Chronicle Article by: Gary Craig Tomasz M. Kaczowka Michael J. Chip Chiapperini

Duluth Tribune Article

Democratic Chronicle Article by: Gary Craig

Memorial for Michael Chiapperini and Tomasz Kaczowka

Location: 191 Lake Road
Webster, New York, U.S.


A History Lesson with Jen


Jen’s Notes:

Remembering the Italian Hall Tragedy

Each year the people of Calumet, Michigan commemorate a tragedy that occurred in the midst of a bitter copper miners strike.

On Christmas Eve 1913, on an afternoon intended to be a time of holiday cheer, 73 people tragically lost their lives during a party organized for striking workers and their families. Sadly the majority of the deceased were children.

Many historians are still left questioning the long-held beliefs about why so many people perished at Italian Hall that day.


Jen’s Other Sources:

Wikipedia - Calumet and Helca Mining Company

Wikipedia - Italian Hall Disaster

Upworthy - Article by Brandon Weber


Stuff You Missed in History Class Podcast


Yippee-Ki-Yay Mother F%&*#ers...DNA for the WIN


Photo by: Josh Redd on Unsplash

Tara’s Episode Notes:

The 1979 case of a murdered 18-year-old baffled local police officers for decades, until they got a break from evidence the victim left behind.

In the early hours of December 20, 1979, the body of 18-year-old Michelle Martinko was found in her car in the parking lot of a mall in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. She was stabbed multiple times. The murder baffled investigators for several generations. As fate would have it…& with new technology in DNA and genealogical testing, in the end…Michelle would be the one that actually helped police solve her murder.

Article Source: CBS News: Jamie Yuccas Reports

Tara’s Episode Sources:


The Gazette

USA Today

Little Village Mag - Source for the Parabon Nano Labs Photos of Jerry Burns we discuss in the podcast to compare with actual pics along with several photos of Michelle in her youth. RIP Sweet Girl.

The Los Feliz Murder House


Photo Credit: Google Maps

2478 Glendower Place Listing on Trulia

Jen’s Episode Notes:

The story of Harold Perelson and the Los Feliz Murder House can be summed up in a passage from his copy of Dante’s Divine Comedy, left open on Perelson's nightstand on the night he murdered his wife and then took his own life:

Midway upon the journey of our life, I found myself within a forest dark, for the straightforward pathway had been lost…

At one point, Harold had it all: a flourishing career in medicine, a beautiful spouse, a loving family, and a palatial house in the Los Feliz neighborhood of Los Angeles. Then, in the early morning hours of December 6th, 1959, neighbors awoke to the sound of Harold’s daughter Judye screaming and pounding at their door. 

When the police finally arrived on the scene, they found Harold’s wife dead in her bed and Harold himself dead from a massive drug overdose—an apparent suicide.

But even after Harold Perelson was long gone and the surviving Perelson family members had scattered across the country, the so-called Los Feliz Murder House remained empty for decades. Now, despite passing into the hands of new owners, there are rumors that the place is more than just a monument to that horrific December night in 1959—some say it’s haunted.

Source: The Line-Up Article by Chris Mahon

Jen’s Other Sources:

Daily Mail Article by: Mia De Graaf and Hannah Parry and James Gordon

CBS Los Angeles

Catt’s True Crime Corner

LA Weekly: Article by Brian Clune

Dirt: Article by Lindsay Blake

Medium: Article by Jeff Maysh