The Murder of Connie Navarro


Photo Credit: Clem Onojeghuo @ Unsplash

In this episode…Jen discusses the murder of Connie Navarro and sadly, once again we find ourselves talking about a domestic violence homicide. Connie was a gorgeous, blonde haired beauty who modeled occasionally and worked on a few of the game shows we remember watching as kids who grew up in the 80’s.

Dave Navarro, who is well known as the guitarist for Jane’s Addiction, among many other creative undertakings, is Connie’s son. Dave was only 15 when his mother was murdered and in a documentary he created in 2015, he talks about how losing her shaped every decision he ever made growing up…both good and bad. When we say bad…we’re talking about a pretty dark spiral into a world of drugs & depression. He’s very clear, however, that he does NOT blame his addiction on her murder, but rather, it gave him an excuse to continue down that dangerous road.

It was Dave’s hope that by telling his story from the point of view of a child who was left behind as a victim of domestic violence, he could bring about a different kind of awareness in this unique way. Statistics show that approximately 3 women A DAY are killed in domestic violence homicides, BUT we rarely hear from the point of view of the children who’s lives continue to be deeply impacted by their great loss.

We’re big fans of Dave and his advocacy work on domestic violence only makes us love him more. He shared the story of his Mother’s murder and it’s personal impact on his life as a cautionary tale to help people recognize the signs of domestic violence before things escalate.

Here at The Wicked Ones Podcast, we’re hoping to do the same.


Join the Movement & Take a Stand Against DV: #putanailinit

From their Website: One Small Statement Makes a Big Difference

The idea is simple: by painting your ring fingernail purple, you are showing the world your vow to help spread awareness of domestic violence and displaying your support for Safe Horizon, the country’s largest organization helping victims of domestic violence get the crucial help they need in their darkest moments.

Jen’s Sources: Article by Lindsay William-Ross


Mourning Son - Autobiographical Documentary (Amazon’s Link Here)