JonBenét Ramsey (Part 3) - Theories

Photo Credit: WikiPedia

In this episode… Tara and Jen discuss the many theories surrounding the death of JonBenét Ramsey. Her case has been an open investigation in Boulder, Colorado for nearly 25 years.

If you missed (Part 1), Tara gave us a basic timeline, played and briefly discussed the 911 call as well as the nearly 3-page ransom note.

In (Part 2), Jen walked us through the highlights of the investigation & autopsy, so we would have a better understanding of the crime itself, the people involved and the many things that should have been done better from the moment the police pulled up the Ramsey home.

This case has so many twists, turns and theories. It’s discussed and dissected year after year and brought back into the headlines without fail each Christmas season, as America sadly remembers one of its most haunting cold cases.



The Cases That Haunt Us: By John E. Douglas & Mark Olshaker


The Brown's Chicken Massacre

Photo Credit: The Daily Herald File Photo 1993

In this episode… It’s now Jen’s turn for a Hometown murder story. She happened to choose one that, regardless of proximity to the crime, many of us remember seeing the horrific story unfold on the news. This week, Jen walks us through the Brown’s Chicken massacre that took place in Palatine, IL back in January of 1993.

Seven people tragically lost their lives in one of the most gruesome crimes committed in the Chicagoland area. Despite the sheer number of police officers assigned to the case and the overwhelming amount of tips called in, it went cold quickly. It would take nearly a decade and several advancements in DNA technology for the victim’s families to finally see the killers behind bars.

Jen’s Sources Article by Chelsea Rose Article by Brittany Spanos

Belle Gunness: Black Widow and her Indiana Murder Farm

Photo Credit: Nicolas Cassez @ Unsplash

In this episode… Tara takes us back to her hometown of LaPorte, Indiana to the site of a very well known “Murder Farm” once owned by Hell’s Belle herself. Belle Gunness is arguably one of history’s most notorious female serial killers. Her story is one of greed, murder and manipulation. It also happens to have a surprise twist that may leave you guessing. Did she die a slow, painful death in the end or did she get away with it?

Tara’s Sources


The Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum

Photo Credit: WikiCommons

In this episode… We close out spooky season with our final haunted, paranormal, ghost-themed story for the month of October & Jen’s pick does not disappoint!

If there was ever a place that can go on record as being truly haunted…we would put our money on the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum. The stories, spirits and tragedies that haunt these walls are far too many to recount in one episode, but the few that we do explore are cringeworthy to say the least & may even give you CHILLS!


If you live near or have ever visited, please head over to our website and find the CONTACT US page. We would LOVE to hear about all of your personal experiences.

Follow us on social media as well to contact us, stay in touch & find for more photos & info on our stories:

Jen’s Sources Article by Katie Serena Article by Jack El-Hai



Scotland's Overtoun "Bridge of Death"

Photo Credit: Wikipedia: Overtoun Bridge

In this episode… Tara takes us across the pond to a creepy, unsettling site in Dumbarton, Scotland known to the locals as “The Bridge of Death” or “Dog Suicide Bridge.” You read that right. There is an actual bridge that for some yet unknown reason, dogs are compelled to run and leap over the side…to the jagged rocks some 50 feet below.

The bridge and the surrounding area are actual quite lovely, as the bridge was designed in the late 1800’s, is beautifully ornate and surrounded by lush greenery. They say this phenomenon, when it happens, will be on a clear, sunny day, which tend to be rare in this western region of Scotland. Many have thoroughly investigated and have tried to solve the mystery, but to this day, the bridge’s deadly pull defies all logic.

Listen in as Tara covers the many theories as well as a brief overview of the Congelier Manor & it’s haunting legend. If nothing else, you’ll have a few new things to share around the campfires & bonfires this Halloween.

Tara’s Sources

Otago Daily Times Article Article


New York Times Article Article by Nathan Chandler

Mystery Girl on Youtube Video

Murder Lake: The Curses & Hauntings of Lake Lanier


Photo Credit: Alex Iby @ Unsplash

In this episode… Jen continues our spooky season theme for October as she dives into the curses & hauntings of Lake Lanier. Figuratively speaking of course, because there’s NO WAY she’s ever going near this body of water! She shares with us several unsettling facts about the man made lake, along with the legends, unexplained accidents, & creepy tales of ghosts that haunt Lake Lanier to this day. Don’t believe us…ask the locals! To them, the spirits that reside here are very real and witnessed often.

Located in Northern Georgia, Lake Lanier is as gorgeous as it is terrifying. Week after week, this cursed lake makes headlines; delivering news of injuries, deaths, tragic accidents, suicides, and all too often, missing bodies of people or their pets that have yet to be recovered. It’s as if they just…disappeared. Don’t even get us started on the catfish. Monstrous fish the size of vehicles? Say what?!?!

Listen in and let us know: Would YOU vacation at Lake Lanier? Millions of people do every single year. Some won’t go near the water, while others dare tragedy to strike.


Jen’s Sources Article by Anjali Enjeti Article by Sabrina Kerns Article by Faith Karimi


The Hazing Death of Timothy Piazza

Photo Source - Pim Myten @ Unsplash

In this episode… Jen covers the heart breaking hazing death of Timothy Piazza. Tim was a sophomore at Penn State when he pledged Beta Theta Pi, a fraternity that was supposed to be alcohol free since its suspension in 2009. The pledges showed up for their initiation obstacle course called, “The Gauntlet.” Yes, it’s as awful as it sounds and we’re honestly not sure how anyone could survive.

82 Minutes. 18 alcoholic drinks. Multiple Falls. Fractured Skull. Lacerated spleen. Internal bleeding.

12 hours before a fraternity “brother” would call 911, still not revealing the truth behind Piazza’s condition.

Listen in this week as we bring awareness to end hazing and the abuse suffered by students as they search for belonging and acceptance among their peers.

RIP Timothy Piazza



Jen’s Sources

Daily Collegian - Article by Sarah Vasile

AP News Article by Mark Scolforo


The Atlantic - Article by Caitlin Flanagan


Milli Vanilli - 80's Cancel Culture, Bike Shorts & Crop Tops


Photo Source - Wikipedia

In this episode… Jen, once again, takes us back to the 80’s and reminds us of a scandal that rocked the music industry back when we were kids. Interestingly enough, she also manages to bring us full circle to present day, as we’ve discovered that some of those 80’s fashion trends we thought were dead & gone have made a fierce comeback. Let’s just say…not everyone’s excited about it, okay?

Like many of you, we remembered Milli Vanilli for their rise to fame, the hit singles that topped the charts, the MTV videos with their enviable dance moves, and sadly, the scandal that would be the end of the group’s musical career. What we couldn’t tell you back then, was how it all went down and why.

Rob and Fab stole many hearts with “Girl you know it’s true” and “Blame it on the Rain” to name a few of their hit songs, but once their secret became public, they were immediately canceled. No-one seemed to care about their story. The music industry, the fans…everyone turned their back on the famous duo.

This week, we may not be talking about murder, but as Jen examines the scandal surrounding Milli Vanilli and helps us take a closer look at the back stories of these two very talented young men, it might just be a well-timed reminder that #cancelculture can have a serious impact on people’s lives and shouldn’t be doled out so callously…or casually.

Jen’s Sources

New York Times





Part 2 - The Murder of James Jordan


Photo Credit: Brooke Cain for “The News & Observer”

In this episode… Jen picks up where she left us hanging...waiting for answers and hoping for justice. We know what happened, the circumstances of the crime, along with the suspects in question. This week, we move on to the investigation itself, the trial and ultimately, a very shaky conclusion that, right or wrong… doesn’t quite sit right.

There are recent updates that pertain to the two inmates who were convicted of this crime as well.

If you haven’t listened in to Part 1 yet, we highly recommend catching up.

Here is the synopsis for Episode 36 (Part 1 - The Murder of James Jordan) below:

Jen takes us back to the early 1990’s with her athlete story this week and we couldn’t help but get a little nostalgic. The early 90’s was especially exciting for those of us who were Chicago Bulls fans as they were racking up championship after championship. Even if you weren’t big into basketball or the NBA growing up, you knew who Michael Jordan was. Everyone wanted to “Be Like Mike.” Kids across America were sporting Air Jordans and eating Wheaties for breakfast.

It was 1993…the year of the (1st) 3-peat for the Chicago Bulls. It was sure to have been one of the greatest highlights of Jordan’s career. Sadly, just a few short weeks later…he would receive the heartbreaking news that his father, James Jordan had been murdered.

James was a wonderful, devoted father. He was a businessman who would travel the country to watch his son work his magic on the court from his time at the University of North Carolina to his career in the NBA. James, himself, was quite an athlete, as he had gone semi-pro in baseball back in his heyday.

Those close to James spoke highly of his character. He may have been the proud father of an iconic legend in the world of basketball and beyond…but he was humble and grounded, remaining true to his roots and his family.

Unfortunately, James Jordan’s tragic murder still remains shrouded in mystery. What really happened to James on that fateful day he decided to pull over and rest on the side of the Highway? Why was this man who was so loved by friends and family not reported as a missing person for 3 whole weeks?!

Jen’s Additional Sources For Part 2:

Part 1 - The Murder of James Jordan

Photo Credit: Sue Ogrocki/Reuters - Michael Jordan with his father, James, after the final game of the 1992 N.B.A. finals.

In this episode… Jen takes us back to the early 1990’s with her athlete story this week and we couldn’t help but get a little nostalgic. The early 90’s was especially exciting for those of us who were Chicago Bulls fans as they were racking up championship after championship. Even if you weren’t big into basketball or the NBA growing up, you knew who Michael Jordan was. Everyone wanted to “Be Like Mike.” Kids across America were sporting Air Jordans and eating Wheaties for breakfast.

It was 1993…the year of the (1st) 3-peat for the Chicago Bulls. It was sure to have been one of the greatest highlights of Jordan’s career. Sadly, just a few short weeks later…he would receive the heartbreaking news that his father, James Jordan had been murdered.

James was a wonderful, devoted father. He was a businessman who would travel the country to watch his son work his magic on the court from his time at the University of North Carolina to his career in the NBA. James, himself, was quite an athlete, as he had gone semi-pro in baseball back in his heyday.

Those close to James spoke highly of his character. He may have been the proud father of an iconic legend in the world of basketball and beyond…but he was humble and grounded, remaining true to his roots and his family.

Unfortunately, James Jordan’s tragic murder still remains shrouded in mystery. What really happened to James on that fateful day he decided to pull over and rest on the side of the Highway? Why was this man who was so loved by friends and family not reported as a missing person for 3 whole weeks?!

Jen’s Sources:

Chicago Tribune Article by: Stacy St. Clair & Chad Yoder


Moment of Truth - IMDB Documentary

Marcus Schrenker & How Not To Fake Your Own Death


Photo Credit: Hunters Race @ UnSplash

In this episode…Jen takes a break from chatting murder & death on the pod and dives into a white collar crime instead this week. Listen in and hear the very bizarre story of Marcus Schrenker Marcus was once the president of a wealth management company living a lavish lifestyle with his family in Geist, Indiana. He was living the high life…but on who’s dime? Marcus eventually found himself in serious trouble with the law after making some incredibly poor choices both personally & professionally. His scheming ways were soon exposed and he was not only facing prison time, but owed millions of dollars & had betrayed the trust of everyone closest to him.

Well…what is one to do when finding oneself in such a pickle? You fake your own death of course…

Jen’s Sources:

Wikipedia Article by: Micheal Pressman & Deborah Roberts Article by: Robert King (Crash & Burn) The Marcus Schrenker Story

Murder on the Tracks


Photo Credit: Jake Green @ UnSplash

Tara’s Episode Notes:

In this episode…Tara dives into the dark underworld of train hopping and the death of a sweet, self-less college kid whose passion to see the world, & his trust in others would sadly, lead to his demise.

Investigators had next to nothing to go on. They had skeletal remains of a John Doe buried near a creek, close to a train yard. This case could have easily gone cold from day one. It was perseverance and the collaboration between all law-enforcement parties involved that would help determine identity, cause of death and eventually apprehend those responsible for this horrific, senseless murder.

This story not only to gives the victim and his family a voice…but it is also a cautionary tale for anyone with romantic notions about riding the rails.

Tara’s Sources:

news Article by: Scott Thomas Anderson

sac Article by Cathy Locke Article by Ian McDonald

The Husband Did It...Or Did He?


Photo Credit: Gerald Schömbs @ Unsplash

Jen’s Episode Notes:

In this episode… Jen tells us a story that may leave some of you wondering what really happened the day that newlywed, Tina Watson, drowned while scuba diving on her honeymoon. Was it truly an accident caused by negligence and inexperience or was it murder?

We’ll let you decide if the husband “did it” or not. However, we have a feeling that once you hear about the many shameful & wildly inappropriate actions taken by Gabe Watson throughout this story, it will leave you with a very bad taste in your mouth.

A snippet from source:

It was a mild morning in October when 26-year-old David Gabriel ‘Gabe’ Watson, and his wife of 11 days, Tina Watson, started the dive expedition that had been the part they were most looking forward to of their Australian honeymoon.

The couple, who had met as students at the University of Alabama, had planned a seven-day dive adventure on the Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea. While Gabe was a highly experienced diver, with a total of 55 dives, Tina had only started diving lessons in the lead up to her honeymoon. By the time the couple entered the water on October 22, 2003, she had only ever completed 11 dives – all in a local quarry.

The first time Gabe and Tina explored the historic SS Yongala shipwreck site, which sits 48 nautical miles southeast of Townsville, they quickly returned to the surface. Gabe said his dive computer was broken, and fixed it on board their tour vessel, Spoilsport. The couple then entered the water for a second time.

What occurred next has been the subject of a five-year investigation, a coronial inquest, and two criminal trials.

Jen’s Sources:

The Guardian


