Murder Lake: The Curses & Hauntings of Lake Lanier


Photo Credit: Alex Iby @ Unsplash

In this episode… Jen continues our spooky season theme for October as she dives into the curses & hauntings of Lake Lanier. Figuratively speaking of course, because there’s NO WAY she’s ever going near this body of water! She shares with us several unsettling facts about the man made lake, along with the legends, unexplained accidents, & creepy tales of ghosts that haunt Lake Lanier to this day. Don’t believe us…ask the locals! To them, the spirits that reside here are very real and witnessed often.

Located in Northern Georgia, Lake Lanier is as gorgeous as it is terrifying. Week after week, this cursed lake makes headlines; delivering news of injuries, deaths, tragic accidents, suicides, and all too often, missing bodies of people or their pets that have yet to be recovered. It’s as if they just…disappeared. Don’t even get us started on the catfish. Monstrous fish the size of vehicles? Say what?!?!

Listen in and let us know: Would YOU vacation at Lake Lanier? Millions of people do every single year. Some won’t go near the water, while others dare tragedy to strike.


Jen’s Sources Article by Anjali Enjeti Article by Sabrina Kerns Article by Faith Karimi
