Buried Alive


Photo Credit: Daniel Jensen @ Unsplash

Tara’s Episode Notes:

In this episode… Tara tells us the terrifying story of Michelina Lewandowska. A Polish woman who was buried alive by her ex-fiance, Marcin Kasprzak. The two had a 3 yr old son, Jakub together, but their relationship was rocky at best. When rumors started flying that she made plans to leave England where they were living and take their son with her back to Poland…Marcin decided that he couldn’t let that happen.

Some people separate and figure their lives out like civilized, mature adults, but apparently there are monsters in this world that believe that can just “bury” their problems…quite literally in this case.

Being buried alive, as it turns out is one of the most common phobias. If this is one of your biggest fears, don’t worry. Luckily, we have a survivor story for you this week. We’ll even let you know what to do if you find yourself in a similar, terrifying situation. Hopefully you can tuck it away with the rest of the useless, morbid facts you learn while listening to true crime…but one can never be too sure. All the useless, interesting, its and bits are our specialty as you’ll come to find out.

Either way, we love a good survivor or comeback story! If you happen to have one you’d like to share, please reach out to us on the CONTACT page on the website and send it in. We would love to hear from you.

Tara’s Sources:


