Katarzyna Zowada - The Skin Suit Murder

Photo Credit: David Cohen @ Unsplash

In this episode… Tara uncovers a chilling, not yet resolved murder in Krakow, Poland. Oddly enough, despite the gruesome details of the crime, this story never made it to the American newspapers even though the FBI was called upon to assist in the investigation and details of the “skin suit” that was found was eerily reminiscent of Silence of the Lambs. This week we discuss the heart-breaking case of Katarzyna Zowada, a 23-year old college student who was tortured and skinned like an animal and then dumped in the Vistula River. This poor, sweet, troubled girl met her horrifying end during the winter of 1999. We’re going to discuss what happened between the discovery of her remains and the trial that has yet to take place for her murder, though the main suspect has been in prison for nearly 5 years.

Tara’s Sources






vocal media.com

BONUS: Serial Killers & Sidenotes


Photo by: Max on Unsplash

Tara & Jen’s Bonus Episode Notes:

We have a little something NEW for you this week! In this very first BONUS episode, Jen & Tara discuss the differences between Male and Female serial killers. We did this one a little differently & had a lot of fun with it! It’s not as structured as our typical “stories” or Episodes…but if you’re interested in learning about how differently men and women serial killers have approached killing their victims and more on the how & why…this ones for you! Jen talks about a recent study she found that gives very interesting statistics on both genders and comes up with a theory that we found incredibly interesting! If you geek out on the science behind it all….Jen’s your girl. She loves those numbers and breaking them down. If you enjoy bits of trivia and random interesting facts…that’s where Tara comes in. She enjoys throwing in bits of crazy info here and there that hopefully intrigue even the most well read on these topics and if you’re already an expert…we hope you still enjoy being part of the conversation anyway!

These bonus episodes are very new of course, and though most prefer a good old fashioned murder story, we thought we’d bring you something different from time to time. However, we certainly appreciate your thoughts and feedback too! Please write in or comment below if you enjoyed it, not so much, or have an idea for a future bonus episode. After all, we’re here to make sure we bring you what you want to hear. We may not change our style of presentation…because that’s just who we are, but we love all ideas big and small, crazy or not and we’d love to feature YOUR idea. Bring them on. Shoot us a note on the CONTACT page, we’d love to hear from you.

Hope you are all enjoying the show!

XO - T & J

Episode Sources:

Washington Post Article by Sarah Kaplan

New Atlas Article by Rich Haridy

Crime Investigation

Psychology Today


Penn State News Article by Katie Bohn